Posted by: jeannineatkins | October 17, 2008

Lunch with Class of 2K8 Debut Novelists and Other Friends

I’ve spent the past few days mostly in my writing cave, wrestling with blank pages that I made a little prettier or at least un-blank. Maybe the quiet days made me feel especially primed to be social, or maybe it was just the wonderful people that Michele Barker got together as part of a mini tour for some of the debut novelists of the Class of 2K8 classof2K8. While they were in western Massachusetts to talk about some of the many people it takes to put out one book, Michele arranged a lunch where some other readers and writers, including me, Melissa Stewart, D. Dina Freedman d_dina_friedman and Nancy Castaldo naturespeak joined them to talk about writing and marketing. I took a picture of the Class of 2k8 members present, and their books. I hope to write a bit about these shiny new books, all aimed for teens, in the upcoming weeks; we’ll see how organized and un-backlogged my reading can get. And how much my white paper wants to talk back to me. Meanwhile, I’m happy to have made a few new LJ friends! (we were all saying how great this place is).

Here is, from left: M.P. Barker mpbarker, Marissa Doyle marissa_doyle, Ellen Boordem, Courtney Sheinmel courtneywrites, and N.A. Nelson lucky_life.

And — yay! — their first novels! (which I so cleverly lined up in order to match the faces)


  1. How cool!!! I was so sorry to miss all of you.
    I’m glad you had fun!

  2. It was so much fun to meet you, Jeannine (especially since I’ve given several of your books to my niece!). It was a great lunch, and so nice of the Odyssey ( to put our books on display for the event. Thanks to you and fellow writers Dina, Melissa, Marianne, and Nancy, Cicily Corbett ( (and her friend Christopher), Marianne Penn (, Carol Munro, and Mia Nolan, and readers and friends Kathy Nolan and Flo Muller-Reed for coming out to make my visitors feel welcome and share the joys and woes of the writer’s life! We’ve been having a blast this week!

  3. Oh, those all look beautiful. And the ladies are quite nice-looking, too! 🙂

  4. What fun – I would love to meet all you wonderful ladies!

  5. Yes, it would have been great to have you there! Thanks for giving me the nudge to go. I’m glad you did. (and I found out Rebecca is in your class; that will be nice for me to know a face.)

  6. Thanks, Michele for filling in names and sites — I got a bit overwhelmed and just tried to do my best. Glad the week is going well and thanks for letting me be a little part of that!
    And thanks for passing on my books to your niece (and the sweet inscription). I always appreciate that!

  7. Yes, there was that happy glow thing going on! If I heard it right, Courtney hadn’t even seen a copy of her book till that morning, yesterday.

  8. Darn that big country between us, it does sometimes get in the way. As it was, one writer drove eight hours to get there, and several had at least a few hours drive. I was lucky; after lunch I walked across the road to the campus where I teach to have conferences with students.

  9. Yum, shiny new books!! Looks like fun, Jeannine.

  10. It was lots of fun–good company, good food, good conversation. And lovely to meet people who had hitherto only been names on the NESCBWI loop!
    I wish you could have been there too, Lisa. The Class of 2k8 World Domination Tour has been great (gee, maybe we need black T-shirts).

  11. So good to see you and the group. What a great group of books!

  12. Mary, get those candy corns out of my face! I’m way too Pavlovian. Although baking Snickerdoodles and plopping one in the center is on my weekend agenda…

  13. Yes, black t shirts! If only I’d known that was your name — a most excellent one!
    I only wish I had more reading time this weekend!

  14. Yes, I’m glad we got our cup of tea (even if we were so busy talking I forgot to go get mine!)

  15. I kind of like the idea of multi-checkered t-shirts. With a color for each of our books. Just a colorful thought….

  16. Books on t shirts is always a good idea!

  17. It was so wonderful to meet you and the others, Jeannine! Michele certainly knows how to pick her friends and acquaintances!
    Hope we’ll meet again sometime…
    Ellen Booraem

  18. Ellen, it was great to meet you. Maybe next time in Maine?!

  19. I should have nudged you to the counter.

  20. I had seen the book — but it was my first time seeing it in an independent bookstore, and I didn’t yet have my author copies, though the box of books was waiting for me when I got home.
    It was tons of fun to meet you and hang out with everyone over lunch. Let’s do it again soon!

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