Posted by: jeannineatkins | July 25, 2009

Delivery at the Doorstep

It was a good week. I quietly edged my way through revisions of a new chapter. While the sun could have appeared a bit more, it shone long enough for a few swims and some walks with friends Mary, Jeanne, and Mary Beth. And of course the dogs, (who’ve been unhappy with all the thunder). I got reports from my daughter in San Diego. She and her roommate both changed some work days to drive south to attend ComicCon, arriving at 5 a.m. on Thursday. They enjoyed chatting with some others hoping to see the male cast of Twilight, some of whom had parked themselves 48 hours before. Em said it was worth it to see two clips of New Moon. In one, the Jacob character takes off his shirt. In the other, the Edward character takes off his shirt. She was happy. And the girls had dinner with some family friends. Steve, she said, might have drunk a little too much and sang Oklahoma at the Mexican Restaurant. There was also a Johnny Depp sighting, at ComicCon to promote his role as the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, due out next spring. Em told me my children’s lit class will have to take a field trip to the movie.

Okay, hot young men without shirts nonetheless, the highlight of my week was a package on the doorstep. Here’s a picture of the ARC (advanced reader’s copy) of my book that won’t see store shelves for another eight months or so, but I’ll enjoy having it near my elbow as I write a new book. I posed it on the porch where the bees hover over the purple cone flowers outside, and I bumble toward Chapter Twelve, fixing one sentence, then trying to wrench the next into good shape.


  1. It’s beautiful! Congratulations! I like the way you’ve propped it up with a background of flowers to match the front cover.

  2. Yay! I loved the poems you read us at the retreat.
    Oh, how exciting!
    Both the book and men without shirts 🙂

  3. Johnny Depp. *swoon*
    But still, I’d rather see a pic of your cover. So beautiful. A big congratulations!
    Are you out in March 2010? April is my release month.

  4. Thank you! I’m very happy with the cover, too. I didn’t even realize I was echoing the blowing dandelions with my rather beat-up echinecea!

  5. Thanks, Cindy. I feel so vulnerable edging new work into the big world, so your words mean a lot.
    Re the poems! And now that you’ve read Twilight, you can imagine the sparkling skin. Em just made me read New Moon, which had its moments. I can see how the True Love theme appeals. I guess I’m at a volume a summer.

  6. Oh, I love your book’s cover! So evocative… I don’t want to hurry time along, but I can’t wait for the release date.
    And Johnny Depp…well, he’s swoon-worthy, too! 🙂

  7. Yeah, if I knew Johnny Depp would be there, I too might have stood in line.
    But, Jenny, you made me smile saying you’d rather see my cover. Love you forever! They haven’t yet given me a date of March or April, as it fits either Women’s History month or Poetry month. I’m excited we can be release cousins!

  8. Thanks, Melodye. I think they did a great job with the cover, though it still may change a bit. My favorite color blue! I know — I too don’t want to rush time along, but yeah…
    Johnny Depp, yes. Though I’m not sure about the Mad Hatter; I’m not such an Alice in Wonderland fan. But maybe he’ll change my mind.

  9. Looks fantastic!

  10. Your ARC! SQUEEEE!!! Love the cover!
    I’m finding it funny that you (Jeannine) walk with Jeanne and two Marys. The odds on such similar names all together seem slim!
    Glad your daughter and her friend had so much fun at Comicon!

  11. What a beautiful cover. Eclipses men without shirts any day :)!

  12. Yay on the ARC! It looks nice on the porch.
    I LOLed about the men w/o shirts. Johnny Depp? Bring it!

  13. Thank you!

  14. I’m so happy to get a Kelly squee!!!
    Oh, names. I once taught in an English dept among Joe, Jane, Jeannie, and Jack. You just had to begin with that J sound and we’d turn.
    My comic geek husband didn’t think Em and Colleen would last more than 10 minutes at ComicCon, but even beyond the Twilight glee they are laughing a lot and keeping themselves quite entertained!

  15. I love my friends who get all hot and bothered by poetry book covers. Thanks, Jama!

  16. Thanks, Lisa! Yes, I think I’d watch Johnny Depp in just about anything.

  17. I know 8 months feels like forever, but I didn’t know this was even THAT close. Yay! Can’t wait to read them. 🙂

  18. Release cousins: That would be cool!! 🙂

  19. Pretty!

  20. It looks beautiful!!

  21. Ooooh, a beautiful cover in a perfect setting. I can’t wait to read it, Jeannine!
    Glad to hear that you’re bumbling toward chapter twelve. I hope that means chapter 11 is finding its balance? I’m going to try to sneak in an hour of working on my chapter 11 before we go to the beach tomorrow–I better keep up with the chapter club. 😉

  22. Time does move on! I look forward to having friends read this, but we’ve all have lots to read in the meantime — and I’m enjoying having that day move closer with this arc-evidence!

  23. Thanks, Jenn. Their idea was to keep it simple, and I’m happy that worked so well.

  24. Re: I can’t wait to
    I can’t wait to have you read it, Tracie! But we’ll wait just a little more… Thank you!

  25. Thanks, I really love the blue of the cover! Kind of robin’s egg color.
    Chapter 11 still needs lots of corners tucked and trimmed before I can call it balanced, but I’m moving toward seeing how that can happen — so making a few notes on ch 12. It’s starting to come into view. Hope you get your hour before the beach, which sounds wonderful. I expect to spend the week with Chapter 11, but hope the forays of notes on Ch. 12 make a small but happy stack.

  26. Yeah. I think the ARC arrival would win for me. That comes once a book … which, for me, is less often than ComicCon. Yay!

  27. I like your thinking, Jody! Yes, ComicCon is so every-year; arc arrival cause for celebration! Thanks for the cheer!

  28. Alice in Wonderland
    I am glad to hear someone is not a great Alice Fan. I just re read those books last fall and it really wasn’t the wonderful trip I had expected. I guess I really had forgotten a lot about it. I think it brings to mind neat imagery but wasn’t so great a story.
    I am now reading some obscure (as far as I know) book called “The Romance of Leonardo DaVinci. It’s sort of weird. It’s translated from Russian and I think it was written in the 30’s. OMG I have no idea why I read what I read!

  29. ARC
    Congratulations on your new book!!!!!

  30. Re: ARC
    Thanks, Ellen ..and re Alice in Wonderland: yes, the plot thing is not something really in hand. It does wonderful things with language, and spurred so much creativity; I’m resolved not to be so down on it next time I teach. Just because it’s creepy.
    I am going to have to bring a pile of books to your house! And see what happens…
    I’ll let you know soon about tonight.

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